Lunch: tomato & cucumber salad, topped with roast beef and walnuts
Snack: cup of coconut milk blended with ice & banana
Dinner: ribeye, steamed veggies and salad I had a "girls" day with one of my friends that included a pedicure and movie and dinner. I asked for the steak bare. I think they may have put a little oil and salt on it, but it didn't seem excessive. the salad and veggies were perfect. I can't believe how good the food was . . . I'm still a bit worried about what they may have done to it back there in the kitchen. . . . since doing Paleo, I just prefer to eat at home b/c I know what is in my food.
You know thinking about my diarrhea issues, I'm going to look back at my posts for the last week to determine when I've eaten out and see if thats the source. Even before going paleo, Indian food would always send me running within a couple hours of eating it.
For tomorrow's PD, I've packed a ziplock baggie of almonds & cranberries and a baggie of cucumbers and cherry tomatoes to snack if things don't work out. I plan to put a cup of coconut milk in my coffee cup, to sip on throughout the morning to curb my appetite. I'm really nervous about spending the entire day out. But I am excited about all of my preplanning. It's really made me think about some of the things I need have in my classroom once the school year starts.
What kind of tuna do ya'll buy?
We haven't actually purchased tuna since we went on Paleo. We don't eat a lot of tuna, so we've just had a can here or there of the tuna we bought before paleo. I don't remember the brand. Whichever one has that little tuna fish picture on the side. Starkist maybe?