Twenty minutes later, I felt SICK! Nausea and general discomfort. Like that day when I had too much fruit at PD. Because my body and diet have changed, too much sugar does NOT feel good. AT ALL! Lesson learned.
Breakfast: zucchini muffin, 3 pieces of patrami, plum
Lunch: salad, flounder, roasted green beans
Dinner: snapper, zucchini, salad, braised red cabbage
Snack: half a bar of dark chocolate
Since going Paleo, I've had this WEIRD fascination with bowel movements. I've been reading about them online b/c my bowel movements seem more frequent and urgent. Here is something I found online today:
What is that ideal frequency? It depends on what you eat. It takes meat between 48-72 hours to make its way from your mouth, through your stomach, intestines and out. It takes most vegetables about 2 hours. But, if you are eating a balanced diet, most doctors expect you to void at least once per day, more if you're eating a lot of vegetables and other foods with roughage.
I don't consider what I've eaten a meal unless, I have 2 or more veggies (used to be I'd have to have a substantial carb/grain) But finding this completely explains how my system is reacting to the change.
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